python how to: mutagen.id3

  • Hi all,

    I am creating a python based scraper for LE to fetch cdart&cdcover from with the ultimate end-goal to turn it into a actual addon in the LE repo.

    It's fully working on any normal Linux/BSD box, and I'm currently ready to move this to my LE for the first test-runs. However for this script to work i will require Mutagen to be installed and accessible on the box.


    from mutagen.id3 import ID3

    --> ImportError: No module named mutagen.id3

    I tried installing the Mutagen addon from the kodi repo, but this is not working as i still get the same error. Googleing also didn't shed light on how i can:

    - install mutagen on my box so i can test-run my script

    - at a later stage make it work for other users in case i decide to submit this to the LE repo

    Is there an easy way to get this working, and if yes: i link to some how-to resource would be highly appreciated.