Le Potato SBC (Libre Computer ​AML-S905X-CC)

  • Put a fresh copy of libreELEC 9 on my Le Potato today, and guessing that the Bootloader fix that was in the 8.2.5 bootloader test version from wrxtasy post that I've been using without issue since October without issue. As using LE 9 the freezing has occurred.

  • Yes the Le Potato booloader issue exists in LE9.0 & 9.0.1 images, the problem that causes a hard lock/segfault after performing several hundred MB of reads/writes to the SD.

    As documented in the Coreelec forum, overwriting the bootloader with a patched version solves the issue. I've just had to do it again after upgrading to 9.0.1 using the LE addon.

    For the record one needs to download the patched bootloader to your Potato's filesystem (or somewhere it can access), ssh in and write the image over the bootloader on the SD using dd and reboot as follows...

    dd if=/path/to/bootloader.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync bs=1 count=112
    dd if=/path/to/bootloader.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1

    A simple test to see if it's resolved is to use the LE config addon to create a backup (if your backups are normally over 500MB or so).

    Edited 2 times, last by vinnn (February 27, 2019 at 4:38 PM).