Tvheadend password/username

  • Hi, i have been trying to get tvheadend to work on my wetek play2 running the lastest raybuntu build for kodi 18.
    i'm able to set it up, search for the channels and find them. but due to username / password issues right after i'm done i get locked out.
    I have tried using/changing/deleting the files in access controll, tried creating a superuser password. tried removing everything and starting again. but nothing seems to be working.

    i've been searching all night for answers but nothing works and i can't really find that many with a similar issue.


    Edited once, last by Badmongo88 (October 10, 2017 at 4:15 PM).

  • close your browser and open a new browser and login again, if this is not working you might misspelled your password

    to hard clean your tvh pw remove

    this file and reboot (the file might have an other name)

  • Hi thanks, but tried it already and didn't work.
    tried editing the file to, but nothing worked.

    I was able to get it to work using Tvh2kodi setup. and am able to edit through the web interface.