So, I have LibreELEC 8.1.9 running on an Amlogic 805 with no issues aside from adding music. We have a common server we share amongst friends and we access it over https. Before this, the same 805 box run Android with SPMC 16.4 with no issues. Music would load over https with no issues. However now, movies and tv shows load properly, but music doesn't.
i caught this error in the log file
CreateLoader - unsupported protocol(sources) in sources://music.tbn
Anyone else experience this? Is http(s) supported for video but not for music?
What does work for music as tested/
sftp/ssh adds the music just fine, as does ftp, but we prefer not to run these services as user services for obvious reasons. Also the test shows that its not a tagging issue.
Debug Log - EIMT