Autostart my addon after boot not working

  • Hi All,

    I am trying to build a real power button using an Arduino which is supposed to turn of the power off before the power supply,

    This requires that I can run some script right after Kody Krypton boot that waits for a GPIO on my RPi3. The hack is working when I start it as a addon from the Kodi programs menu. I used the hello world addon as starting point.

    Currently I am failing to run my script after boot. I used the located in /storage/.kodi/userdata to run it, but I get a warning message. The autoexec is simple:

    import xbmc

    I get a message on start on the screen that something with an addon had failed.

    A problem is that the xbmc lib in Python only works when the script is run out of a Kodi context. This makes it generally hard to debug. I cannot just run it from the SSH console.

    Any idea whats wrong with my

    Which logfile may show the error?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Found a solution:

    import xbmc

    Script is placed in addons dir. Not sure if this is the smartest approach, but it works.