Harmony Elite setup

  • Hello,

    first of all, sorry for another topic on remote setup, I know there are several out there, i read some but i'm still lost...

    I installed LE on my Odroid C2 and I own a Harmony Elite remote (incl. the hub). For the moment i'm using a bluetooth dongle and setup kodi device in harmony software as : manufacturer: Apple, Device: Kodi.

    It's working fine, but it's very basic: there are many buttons on my remote which are not mapped.

    My goal is to customize each button to my will: i use a lot subtitles, so I want be able to toggle them, loop thru them, increase or decrease their delay etc.

    Can someone tell me what is the best way to achieve this ? I tried the kodi addon keymap editor but when I press some buttons on the remote it's simply not recognized. Should I instead try to use lirc ? (I don't have a flirc)

    Thank you