Buffering issue RPI2

  • Hi,

    I'm new to Libreelec after running Openelec 5.0.8 for years without a hitch. If upgraded to LibreElec as the youtube app on OE 5.0.8 stopped working and could not fix it. On LE 8.1.2 on my Rasberry Pi 2 created with the tool from the website on a new formatted SD card I can't stream higher bitrate content from my fileserver. I've tried pinpointing the issue with the H264 jellyfish test videos of various bitrates and went back and forth switching SD cards to OE 5.0.8 and LE 8.1.2. On LE 8.1.2 even the 25mbit video stutters and the greyish bufferbar on the overlay it being catched by the blue progress bar. I've googled for solutions but could not find a meaningful answer. Most answers blame network or storage back-ends so I'm trying the official forum.


    Fileserver 2012R2 server VM with Freenas backend, lots of RAM and SSD.

    Raspberry pi2 with SD card 48x @ stock speeds. No USB devices connected.

    All wired 1Gbit/s.


    Iperf raspberry to fileserver is line rate speed both ways.

    OE 5.0.8 25mbit jellyfish is smooth from smb share.

    LE 8.1.2 25mbit jellyfish stutters from smb share, LE set to SMB2 or SMB3 .

    LE 8.1.2 70mbit jellyfish from SD card is ~smooth.

    Samba filecopy between RP and fileserver is line rate ~10Mbyte/s.

    LE 8.1.2 25mbit jellyfish from smb share mounted as cifs with rsize=65536 is ~smooth (placebo?).

    Switching players does not seem to matter much.

    Played around with a advancedsettings file for caching as google suggested but it did not matter much.

    From my test results I figure there could be something going on with the read ahead settings in kodi as the samba with direct copies to the Rpi seem to be ok. My network or fileserver do not seem to bottleneck anything. The rasberry stats menu while playing content tells me hardware decoding is working. A while back I've tried upgrading to OE 6.x and had the same issue, downgrading to OE 5.0.8 fixed that for me. But now I would really like to have a working youtube addon again :).

    If someone has a good suggestion to improve video playback Ill be happy to try it.

    Edited once, last by Sauer000 (September 29, 2017 at 10:37 AM).