GXL:BL1:9ac50e:bb16dc;FEAT:ADFC318C:0;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:0;READ:0;0.0;CHK:0; TE: 98472 BL2 Built : 15:21:58, Mar 26 2020. gxl g486bc38 - gongwei.chen@droid11-sz set vdd cpu_a to 1120 mv set vdd cpu_b to 1050 mv set vddee to 1000 mv Board ID = 4 CPU clk: 1200MHz DQS-corr enabled DDR scramble enabled LPDDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 768MHz bist_test rank: 0 16 03 29 39 22 50 1a 02 32 33 1c 4b 17 03 2c 38 20 51 18 01 2f 39 20 52 700 rank: 1 16 01 2c 39 24 4f 19 03 30 33 1d 49 15 01 29 39 22 51 17 00 2e 39 21 52 700 Rank0: 1024MB-2T-3 Rank1: 1024MB-2T-3 AddrBus test pass! eMMC boot @ 0 sw8 s emmc switch 3 ok BL2: rpmb counter: 0x00000002 emmc switch 0 ok Load fip header from eMMC, src: 0x0000c200, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x00004000, part: 0 New fip structure! Load bl30 from eMMC, src: 0x00010200, des: 0x013c0000, size: 0x0000d600, part: 0 Load bl31 from eMMC, src: 0x00020200, des: 0x05100000, size: 0x0002c400, part: 0 0002c400Load bl33 from eMMC, src: 0x00050200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x0007f200, part: 0 NOTICE: BL3-1: v1.0(release):f5121da90 NOTICE: BL3-1: Built : 20:18:22, Nov 22 2019 [BL31]: GXL CPU setup! NOTICE: BL3-1: GXL norm▒l boot! NOTICE: BL3-1: BL33 decompress pass mpu_config_enable:system pre init ok dmc sec lo▒▒▒Hh▒▒▒▒▒▒ gxl▒v1.▒.3▒94-▒ӂ▒"▒ 2▒20-05-07 15:37▒15 gongwei.chen@d▒+▒▒1-sz] OPS=0x04 ▒[0.582▒31 Inits done]f 43 e1 40 ea 76 4f 3b b▒ secure task start! high▒▒ͭ▒▒tart! low task start! ▒RR▒R: Error ini▒ializing runti▒Y▒▒▒٥▒▒▒▒pteed_fast U▒Boot 2▒L- ▒j:▒▒▒▒▒▒952b-di▒ty▒(Ju▒ 31 20▒Lj▒▒҂▒Ҋ▒Jj DRA▒: ▒2 G▒B Rel▒cation Off▒et is: ▒6e7f000▒ mmu c▒*▒▒▒ 0x80000▒00 mm▒ cf▒ end: 0x80000000 register usb▒cfg▒0][1] = 0000000077f4▒e60 [▒ANV▒5▒▒م́init▒ boot_devi▒e_f▒ag ▒▒j Nand PHY Ver:▒ ▒r▒▒▒r▒▒▒▒B▒ 2013 Amlogic I▒c. in▒t b▒s_cycle=6, bus_tim▒ng=▒, syst▒m=5▒0ns reset▒failed ge▒_ch▒p_t▒pe ▒nd ret:fff▒fffe ▒et_▒hip▒W▒Ձa▒d ret:▒ffffffe chip dete▒t failed and ret:fffffffe nandphy_init failed and ▒et=▒xfffffff1 MMC: aml▒priv->▒Y▒▒%ՙ▒=▒0x0▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒*▒▒6b0 aml_priv->desc_b▒f = 0x0000000073e819f0 SDIO Port B: 0, SDIO Port C: 1 co-p▒ase 0x2, t▒-dly 0,▒clock 400000 ▒co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 emmc/▒d r▒sponse timeout, cmd8, cmd->c▒darg=0x1aa▒ status=0x▒ff2800 em▒c/sd r▒sponse tim▒out▒ cmd55, cmd->c▒Vɝ▒0x0, sW▒▒▒▒x1ff2800 ▒ ▒͕▒0x2, tx-dly 0, clock▒400000▒ co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, cl▒ck 400▒0000 init_part▒) 297:▒PAR▒_TYPE_AML [m▒c_▒nit▒ mm▒ in▒t s▒cce▒s ▒W▒▒d▒.I▒▒▒0▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒*▒42▒0,d▒_addr=0000000▒73e84240 get_▒artition_from_dts(▒ 92▒ r▒t 0▒ parts: 17 ▒▒▒b▒▒▒%▒00▒000▒010▒00▒0 1 01▒ reco▒Y▒%000000▒001800000 1▒▒02: ▒isc▒000000▒000800▒00 ▒ 03: ▒dtb▒ 00000▒000▒800000 1 04▒ cri_data 0000000000800000 ▒ ▒M'▒▒Ʌ▒%0000000001000000 ▒C▒06: boot 000000▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒j set has_boo▒_sl▒▒▒▒▒▒%▒0000000▒100▒▒▒▒j 08: metadata 000000000▒000▒00▒1 09: ▒▒▒▒▒х%000000▒000200000 1 10: ▒ee 000▒000002000000 1 11: vendor 0000000014000000 1 12: odm 000000▒008000000 1 13: ▒yst▒m 00000▒0064c00000 1 14: product▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒�▒▒▒▒▒▒j ▒M'▒ cache 0000000▒460▒000▒▒j 16: da▒afffffffffffffff▒ 4 init_part() 2▒▒▒IQ}QeA}▒15▒eMMC/TSD partition ta▒le ▒ave▒bee▒ check▒d OK! crc32_s:0x1577dad == s▒ora▒Yɍ}▒▒▒ѕɹ▒0x1▒77dad!!! crc32_s:0xee15▒b83▒== storage crc_pa▒W▒▒▒0▒YY▒M&,▒ j crc32_s:0x79f50▒07 == ▒torage crc_pa▒tern:0x79f50f07!!!▒ mm▒*▒▒offset: 0x4d▒00000 In: se▒ial▒ Ou▒: ▒▒▒Ņ▒5 Er▒'▒▒▒共5 ▒[store▒To ▒un cmd▒emmc dt▒_read 0▒1000000 0x▒0000]nal ▒ys▒err▒r! _verify_dtb_checksu▒()-3476: c▒lc 7f6▒3e26, s▒K▒▒7f▒23e2▒H▒_verify_dtb_checksum(▒dtb▒read()-3691: t▒tal va▒id ▒623e26 upda▒e_o▒d_d▒b()▒367▒: do nothi▒g vpu: dr▒ver versio▒: v20190313 vpu: detect ▒hip▒type: 2 v▒u: ▒lk_level default:▒7(666667000Hz)▒ max: ▒ɲ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒B▒ vpu: clk_level in dts: 7 vpu:▒vpu▒▒ݕ▒}▒▒5 ▒pu: set_vp▒_cl▒C!▒▒set clk: 666667000Hz, readback: ▒66666667Hz(0x300) vpu: set_vpu_▒lk finish vpu: vp▒_module▒init_config v▒▒vpp▒ini▒C▒,▒▒▒ cpuid:0x21 ▒▒▒▒ f▒nd perform▒nce_pal co▒fig▒ hpd_state▒0 do_▒pd_det▒ct: hdmimode=1080p60hz do_hp▒_detect▒ color▒ttr▒bute=444,8▒it Sa▒ing Environme▒t to aml-s▒K▒▒▒▒.. ▒Writing to MMC(1)▒▒4▒00▒d▒ne vp▒: v▒p_m▒tri▒_update: 2▒ cvbs_perf▒rma▒ce_▒nhancem▒nt cvbs_confi▒_hdmip▒l_g▒l ▒vbs_set_vi▒2_c▒k vpp:▒vp▒_pq▒loa▒ pq val er▒or !!! Net▒ Phy ▒r▒сfoun▒ PHY re▒et timed ou▒ dwmac.c9410000amlkey_ini▒() ent▒r! [EF▒SE_▒SG]key▒um is 4 [▒L31]: tee ▒Z▒j MACA▒DR:▒2:43:5▒:65:0f:8f(from chi▒ZV▒H▒H▒ɹ▒▒▒▒ dwmac.c9410000 ▒AC addr▒sse▒ don't mat▒h:▒ Ad▒res▒ i▒ SR▒M is 46:b7:11:cf:01:fe A▒dre▒.J▒e▒vir▒nment ▒s ▒2:43:5f:65:0f:8f ▒ CONFIG_AVB2: nul▒ Sta▒▒▒ő▒mis▒ partition datas!▒ info->magic = info->version▒[X▒K▒= 1 info->version_mi▒or = 0 info->slo▒+▒prior▒W▒= 15 info▒>slots[0].tries_remaining = 7▒ i▒fo-▒.▒▒m▒].successful_boot = 0 info->slots[1].priority = 14▒ in▒ɚ▒▒▒▒m▒].tries_re▒aining▒= 7 info->slots[▒].successful_boot = 0 info->crc32 = -10754494▒9 active slo▒ = 0 ▒wipe_cache▒successful u𖅑▒}▒ѕ▒▒0▒ aml log ▒J▒ѕɹ▒▒▒sys error!▒ reboot_mode:::: col▒%▒▒▒5 s_version: U-Boot 2015.01-gabeeb4952b-dirty amlke▒_init() enter! amlkey_in▒t() 71: alrea▒y init! [EFUSE_MSG▒keynum is ▒ [BL3▒]: tee size: 0 [KM]Err▒r:f[key_ma▒age_query_size]L515:key[usid] not programed y▒t [KM]Error▒f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key▒mac] not p▒ogr▒me▒ yet [KM]Error:f▒key_ma▒age▒query_s▒ze]L515:ke▒[deviceid] not pr▒yet [OSD]loa▒ fb ad▒r from dts:/meson-fb [OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x▒f80000▒ [▒SD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-▒b [OSD]fb_ad▒r f▒.b▒▒▒▒ 0x7f800000 [OSD]VPP_OFIFO▒SIZE:0▒fff00fff [CANVAS]addr=0▒7f800000 widt▒=3840, height=2160 Err imgrea▒(L5▒0):▒ogo header err. There is▒no valid bmp file at the given add▒▒▒5 [OSD]osd_hw.free_▒st_▒ata: 0,719,▒[OSD]osd1_upda▒e_disp_freescale_enable s_version: U-Boo▒ 2015.01-gabeeb4952b-dirty a▒▒▒}▒▒▒ѡ)*▒ѕɅ amlkey_init▒) 71: already init! ▒EFU▒E_MSG]keynum is 4 [BL31]: tee size: 0 [KM]Err▒r:f[key_ma▒age▒query_size]L5▒5:key[usid] not progra▒Yʕ▒5 [KM▒Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key[mac] not programed yet [KM]Er▒or:f[key_manage_qu▒ry_▒ize▒L515:k▒y[deviceid] not programed yet gpio: pin GPIOAO_2 (gpio 102) value is 1 Command: bcb uboot-command Start read misc pa▒ti▒ion datas! BCB hasn't any ▒XWͱe▒it!▒ s_version: U-B▒ot 2015.01▒gabeeb4952b-dirty amlke▒_init() en▒er! amlke▒_init() 71:▒already in▒t! [EFUSE_MSG]key▒][J́▒ [BL31]: tee▒size: 0 [KM]▒rror:f[key_manage_que▒^5▒▒u▒▒15:key[usid] n▒t programed ye▒ [KM]Err▒r:f[key_ma▒age_query_size]L515:key[mac] not pr▒gramed yet [KM]Er▒or:▒[key_manage_qu▒ry_▒ize]L515:key[d▒vic▒id] not programed yet H▒t Ente▒ or▒space or Ctrl+C key to stop autoboot -- : 0▒ ▒xl_p230_v1# gxl_p230_v1# gxl_p230_v1#amlmmc ▒rase 1cannot▒f▒nd dev. MMC erase: dev # 1, start_erase_address(in block) # 0xf, several blocks # 222 will be erased ... dev # 1, , several blocks erased OK gxl_p230_v1#mmc dev 1 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, cmd->cmdarg=0x1aa, status=0x1ff2800 emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, cmd->cmdarg=0x0, status=0x1ff2800 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000 init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML [mmc_init] mmc init success switch to partitions #0, OK mmc1(part 0) is current device gxl_p230_v1#store disprotect key [store]disprotect key gxl_p230_v1#store init 3 XXXXXXX======enter EMMC boot======XXXXXX co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, cmd->cmdarg=0x1aa, status=0x1ff2800 emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, cmd->cmdarg=0x0, status=0x1ff2800 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000 init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML [mmc_init] mmc init success switch to partitions #0, OK mmc1(part 0) is current device Device: SDIO Port C Manufacturer ID: 4 OEM: 101 Name: M0T00 Tran Speed: 52000000 Rd Block Len: 512 MMC version 5.1 High Capacity: Yes Capacity: (0x39d000000 Bytes) 14.5 GiB mmc clock: 40000000 Bus Width: 8-bit [store]amlmmc key emmc disprotect key [store]amlmmc erase 1emmckey_is_protected(): disprotect blkcnt = 30310400 start = 0,end = 30310399 start = 0,end = 30310399 Erasing blocks 0 to 8192 @ boot0 start = 0,end = 8191 Erasing blocks 0 to 8192 @ boot1 start = 0,end = 8191 gxl_p230_v1# fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} u-boot.bin card in co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000 init_part() 282: PART_TYPE_DOS [mmc_init] mmc init success reading u-boot.bin 851968 bytes read in 54 ms (15 MiB/s) gxl_p230_v1#store rom_write ${loadaddr} 0 100000 amlmmc_write_bootloader() 573: map 0x7 Wrting blocks 1 to 2048 @ user Wrting blocks 1 to 2048 @ boot0 boot_info.rsv_base_addr : 12000 boot_info.ddr.addr : 4000 boot_info.ddr.size : 0004 boot_info.version : 0001 boot_info.checksum : 16005 Wrting blocks 1 to 2048 @ boot1 boot_info.rsv_base_addr : 12000 boot_info.ddr.addr : 4000 boot_info.ddr.size : 0004 boot_info.version : 0001 boot_info.checksum : 16005 gxl_p230_v1#fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} gxl_p230_2g_pie.dtb reading gxl_p230_2g_pie.dtb 59269 bytes read in 10 ms (5.7 MiB/s) gxl_p230_v1#store dtb write ${loadaddr} [store]To run cmd[emmc dtb_write 1080000 0x40000] dtb_write()-3737: valid 2 dtb_write()-3757: new stamp 4, checksum 0x7f623e27, version 1, magic A~D start dts,buffer=0000000073eade30,dt_addr=0000000073eade30 start dts,buffer=0000000001080000,dt_addr=0000000001080000 get_partition_from_dts() 92: ret 0 parts: 17 00: logo 0000000001000000 1 01: recovery 0000000001800000 1 02: misc 0000000000800000 1 03: dtbo 0000000000800000 1 04: cri_data 0000000000800000 2 05: param 0000000001000000 2 06: boot 0000000001000000 1 set has_boot_slot = 0 07: rsv 0000000001000000 1 08: metadata 0000000001000000 1 09: vbmeta 0000000000200000 1 10: tee 0000000002000000 1 11: vendor 0000000014000000 1 12: odm 0000000008000000 1 13: system 0000000064c00000 1 14: product 0000000008000000 1 15: cache 0000000046000000 2 16: data ffffffffffffffff 4 get_ptbl_rsv()-494: magic faild MPT, mmc_device_init()-1354: update rsv with dtb! init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML partition table success gxl_p230_v1#run update InUsbBurn noSof Device: SDIO Port C Manufacturer ID: 4 OEM: 101 Name: M0T00 Tran Speed: 52000000 Rd Block Len: 512 MMC version 5.1 High Capacity: Yes Capacity: (0x39d000000 Bytes) 14.5 GiB mmc clock: 40000000 Bus Width: 8-bit Device: SDIO Port C Manufacturer ID: 4 OEM: 101 Name: M0T00 Tran Speed: 52000000 Rd Block Len: 512 MMC version 5.1 High Capacity: Yes Capacity: (0x39d000000 Bytes) 14.5 GiB mmc clock: 40000000 Bus Width: 8-bit reading aml_autoscript ** Unable to read file aml_autoscript ** reading recovery.img ** Unable to read file recovery.img ** (Re)star▒M ▒.. USB0: USB3.0 XHCI init start Register 2000140 NbrPorts 2 Starting the controller USB XHCI 1.00 scanning bus 0 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found scanning usb for storage devices... ▒ Storage Device(s) found ** Bad device usb 0 ** ** Bad device us▒ 0 ** Start read misc partition datas! info->magic = info->version_major = 0 info->version_minor = 0 info->slots[0].priority = 0 info->slots[0].tries_remaining = 0 info->slots[0].successful_boot = 0 info->slots[1].priority = ▒ info->slots[1].tries_remaining = 0 info->slots[1].su▒cessful_boot = 0 info->crc32 = 0 Magic is incorrect. boot-info is invalid. Resetting. save boot-info info->magic = info->version_major = 1 info->version_minor = 0 info->slots[0].priority = 15 info->slots[0].tries_remaining = 7 info->slots[0].successful_boot = 0 info->slots[1].priority = 14 info->slots[1].tries_remaining = 7 info->slots[1].successful_boot = 0 info->crc32 = -1075449479 active slot = 0 active_slot: normal Err imgread(L358):Fmt unsupported!genFmt 0x0 != 0x3 gxl_p230_v1#