▒▒▒▒▒▒GXL:BL1:9ac50e:bb16dc;FEAT:ADFC318C:0;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:800;NA▒D:82;SD:0;READ:0;0.0;CHK:0; no sdio debug b+ɑ▒detected TE: 225673 BL2 Built : 15:21:58, Mar 26 2020▒ gxl g486bc38 - gongwei.chen@dr▒id11▒sz▒ set vdd▒cpu_a to 1120 mv set vdd cp▒_b to 1050 mv set vddee to 1▒00 mv Board ID = 4 CPU clk: 1200MHz DQS-cor▒ enabled DDR scramble ena▒led LPDDR3 chl▒ Rank0+1 @ 768MHz bist_test ▒an▒: 0 13 00 27 39 22 51 1a 02 32 34 1c 4c 15 00 2a 39 21 52 19 03 2f 38 1f 52 700 rank: 1 15 00 2a 39 24 4f 1a 03 31 33 1d 4a 14 00 28 3a 23 51 18 02 2f 39 21 52 700 Rank0: ▒024MB-2T-3 Rank1: 1024MB-2T-3 AddrBus ▒est ▒X▒▒j Load fip header from▒SD, src: 0x0000c200, des: 0x01400▒00, size: 0x00004000▒ part: 0 New fip structu▒e! Load bl30 from SD, src: 0x00010200,▒V▒▒ 0x013c0000, size: 0x0000d6▒0, part: 0 Load bl31 from SD, src: ▒x00020200, des: 0x05100000, size: ▒x0002c400, part: 0▒ 0002c400Load bl33 from SD, src: 0x00050200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x0007f▒00, part: ▒ NOTICE: BL3-1: v1.0(release):f5121da90 NOTIC▒: BL3-1: Built : 20:18:22, Nov 22 2019 [BL31]▒ G▒L CPU setup! NOT▒CE: BL3-1▒ GXL normal boot! NOTICE: BL3-1: BL33 decompress pass mpu_config_enable:▒^.WV ▒ɕ▒init ok dmc sec lock [Image: gxl_v1.1.3394-7d43064d5 2020-05-07 1▒▒▒▒▒▒:▒▒▒ݕ▒▒chen@▒roid11-sz] OP▒=0▒04 21 0d 04 00 8f 0f 65 5f 43 e1 40 ea 76 4f 3b bc [0.8▒6770▒Inits done▒CC▒▒▒▒ɕ▒task start! ▒igh task start! low ta▒-▒х▒х ERROR: Error initializing runtime service opteed_fast U-▒oot 2015.01-gabeeb4952b-di▒W▒(Jul 31 2021 - 19:03:13) DRAM: 2 GiB Relocation Offset is: 76e7f000 mmu cfg end: 0x80000000 mmu cfg end: 0x80000000▒ register usb cfg[0][1] = 0000000077f4fe60 [CANV▒S]canvas init boot_device_flag : 1 Nand P▒V▒▒▒▒ (c) 2013▒Am▒ogic Inc. init▒bus_cycle=6, bu▒_timing=7, syst▒m=5.0ns reset failed get_chip_type and ret:fffffffe get_chip_type and ret:fffffffe chip det▒ct failed ▒nd ret:fffff▒fe nandph▒_init failed and ret=0xfffffff1 MMC: aml_priv->de▒c_buf = 0x0000000073e7f▒b0 ▒ml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000073e819f0 SDIO Port B:▒0, SDIO Port C: 1 co-phase 0x2, tx-d▒y ▒, clock 400000 co-p▒ase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 emmc/sd response timeout, c▒d8, cmd->cmdarg=0x1aa, status=0x1ff2800 emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, cmd->cmdarg=0x0, status=0x1ff2800 emmc/sd response timeout, cmd2, cmd->cmdarg=0x0, status=0x1ff2800 MMC init failed Using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: se▒ZX▒HX▒▒▒log : ▒nternal sys error! reboot_m▒de=cold_boot [store]To run cmd[emmc dt▒_r▒ad 0x1000000 0x40000] co-ph▒se 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 co-phase 0x2, tx-d▒y 0, clock 400000 co-pha▒e ▒x2, ▒x-dly 0, c▒ock 400000 emmc/sd r▒sponse timeout, cmd8, cmd->cmdarg=0x1aa, status=0▒1ff2800 emmc/sd response timeout, c▒d55, cmd->cmdarg=0x0, status=0x1ff▒800 emmc/sd response timeout, cmd3, cmd->cmdarg=0x10000, status=0x1ff2800 _dtb_init(▒-3516: mmc init fa髑5 vpu: error: vpu: check dts: FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC, load default▒parameters vpu▒ driver▒version: v20190313 vpu: detect chip type: 2 vpu: clk_▒evel default: 7(666667000Hz), max: 7(66▒667000H▒) vpu:▒,k▒ŕٕ▒▒= 7 vpu: vpu_power▒on vpu: set_vpu_clk vpu: set clk: 666667000Hz, readback: 6▒6666667Hz(▒x300) ▒vpu: vpu_module_init_co▒fig vpp: ▒pp_init cvbs: cpuid:0x21 hpd_state=0 do_h▒d_detect: hdmimode=1080p60hz do_hpd_de▒ect: colorattribute=▒44,8bit Saving Environment to aml-stﮝ▒▒.. co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, ▒lock 400000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 co▒phase 0▒2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, cmd->cmdarg=0x1aa, status=0x1ff2800 emmc/sd response tim▒ou▒, cmd55, cmd->cmdarg=0x0, status=0x1ff2800 emmc/sd response timeout,▒▒▒▒, cmd->cmdarg=0x10000, status=0x1ff2800 MMC init failed vpp:▒▒}▒▒▒ɥ▒}▒▒▒ѕ▒ 2 no performance▒table cvbs_config_hdmi▒ll_gxl cvbs_set_vid2_clk card in co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 ▒o-ph▒se 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 ▒co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000 co-phase 0x2, tx-dl▒ 0, c▒oc▒ 40000000 init_part() 282: PART_TYPE_DOS [mmc_init] mmc init success Device: SDIO Por▒ B Manufacturer ID: 3 OEM: 5344 Name: SU16G ▒ T▒X ▒▒▒▒▒ 50000▒00 Rd Block Len: 512 SD version 3.▒C!*롁Cap▒city:▒Yes Capacity:▒(0x3b5980000 Bytes) 14.8 GiB mmc clock: 400000▒0 Bus Wid▒h: 4-bit vpp: vpp_pq_load pq v▒l error !!! Net: Phy 0 not found PHY reset timed out dwmac.c9410000[KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_parse]L307:not a fdt ▒t 0x▒0000000010▒▒▒▒j MACADDR▒02:43:5f:65:0f:8f(from ▒hipid) ▒addresses don't match: Addres▒J▒▒SROM i▒ f2:2e:a0:89:40▒a4 Address in ▒nvironment is ▒2:43▒5f:65:0f:8f ▒ON▒IG_AVB2: null Star▒ read m▒sc partition datas▒ Cannot find dev. amlmmc cmd failed store - STORE sub-system Us▒ge: store▒init flag s▒or咕▒▒▒name▒addr off|par▒ition size read 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off▒ ▒▒▒▒殫 ▒store write name a䖁off|parti▒ion sized blocks. ▒ w▒ZW:▒▒镝 bytes starting at offset 'off' ▒o/from memﮁaddress 'addr', skip▒ing bad blocks. store rom_write add off siz▒. write uboot▒to the boot device▒ store ▒rase bo▒t/data: eras▒ the area which is uboo▒zɁdat▒ store e▒ase partitio▒ : erase the area wh▒ch partition in▒u-boot store ▒rase dtb store erase key store▒disɽѕ▒сkey sto▒e rom_p▒otect on/off store scrub off|partitio▒ s▒ze scrub the ▒rea fro▒z▒▒͕сand ▒iz▒ store dtb irea▒/read▒writ▒ addr <▒iz▒> rea▒/write dtb, ▒ize is optional▒ ▒tore key read/w▒ite addr read/write▒key, size ▒s optional store ddr_param▒ter read/w▒ite addr ▒read/write ddr p▒rameter▒ size is optional ▒tore mbr addr ▒ up▒ate mbr▒partition table by dtb store bootlog show boot logs [burnup]Err:store_read▒ops,L101:cmd failed, ret=1, [st▒re▒ read misc 0x73e6e09▒ 0x▒ 0x820] failed t▒▒ѽɕ▒read misc. info->magic = info->version_m▒jor = 0 info->version_▒inor = 0 info->slots[0▒.priority = 0 info->slots[0].tries_remaining = 0▒ i▒fo->slots[0].su▒cessful_bo▒t = ▒ info->slots[1].p▒ZK▒▒▒= 0 ▒info->slots[1].successful▒bo▒t = 0 ▒Magic is incorrec▒. boot-info is invalid▒ Resett▒ng. save boot-info ▒ info->mag▒c = i▒fo->ver▒ion_major = 1 info-▒version_minor = 0 info->s▒▒m▒].priority▒= ▒5 info->▒lots[0]▒tr▒es_remaining = 7 info->slots[0].successful_boo▒ = 0 info->slots[1].priority = 14▒▒▒˽▒>slots[1].tries_remaining = 7 info->slots[1].▒uccessf▒l_boot = 0 inf▒Kɍ▒2 = -1075449479 Cannot f鋁dev. amlmmc cmd ▒failed s▒K▒▒▒ STORŚ▒b-s▒stem Usage: store▒init fl▒g store r▒ad name addr▒off|partit▒on▒▒K▒5 ▒read 's▒ze▒ bytes starting▒at offs▒:z▒▒'▒ ▒ to/from memory ▒ddress 'addr', skipping ba▒ blo▒ks▒ store▒write name a▒dr off|par▒ition size write '▒Z▒▒ ▒ѕ́s▒arting ▒t offset '▒ff' to/from ▒em▒address 'addr',▒skippin▒▒▒▒bl▒ck▒. store rom_write a▒z▒▒▒size. write ubo▒t to the boo▒"▒٥▒▒5 store ▒rase boot/data:▒ erase t▒e ▒rea which is ub▒o▒ or data store e▒ase partitio▒ <▒artitio▒_name>: eras▒ t▒e area which partiti▒n in u-boot ▒store erase key▒ store disprotect key store rom_protect on/off sto▒Y▒▒▒Չ▒off|par▒ition s▒ze scrub the area from o▒fset and siz▒ ▒tore dtrea▒/write dtb, size i▒z▒ѥ▒▒▒▒▒ store key r▒ad/write addr read/write key, size is optional▒ store▒ddr_▒arameter read/writ▒ a䖁 ▒ead/write dd▒Ʌ▒▒ѕɱ size is optional ▒tore mbr addr u▒▒ѕ▒mbr/▒artition table by dtb store▒▒닱▒g ▒how boo▒ logs [burnup]E▒r:store_write_ops,L1▒5:▒md [store writ▒ misc 0▒73e6e09▒ 0x0 ▒x820] ▒wipe_data▒successful wipe_cache=▒uccessful upgr▒de_step=0 aml lo▒ : internal sys▒er▒or! reboot_mode:::: cold_boot s_version: U-Boot▒&▒▒r▒▒j:▒▒▒▒▒▒952b-dirty [KM]▒rror:f[keymanage_dts_parse]L307:not a fdt at 0x0000000001000000 [OSD]check dts: FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC, load default fb_ad▒r parameters [OSD]fb_a▒dr for logo: 0x▒d800▒00 [OSD]check dts▒ FDT▒ERR_BADMAGIC, load▒default fb_addr▒parameters [OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x3d▒00000 [OSD]VPP_OFIFO_SIZE:0xfff00fff ▒CA▒VAS]addr=0x3▒800000 ▒idth=3840, heig▒t=2160 Cannot find dev. amlmmc cmd faile▒ store - STORE sub-system Usa▒e: store init flag store read na▒Y ▒▒Ɂoff|partition size ▒ead 'si▒e' bytes sta▒ting at offset ▒off' ▒▒▒ɽ▒ memory address '▒ddr', skipping ▒ad bloc▒s. store write name addr off|partition size ▒ write▒'siz▒' ▒ytes starting at offset 'off' to/f▒om memory ad▒ress 'addr', skipp▒ng bad blocks. st▒re rom_wr▒te add off size. ▒store e▒ase boot/data: he boot device erase the area w▒ich is uboot or data s▒K▒▒er▒se p▒rtition : erase the area which ▒artitio▒ i▒ u-boot store erase dtb store er▒se key ▒ ▒store scrub ▒ff▒partition si▒ect key scr▒b the area from offset and size store dtb iread/▒ead/▒ri▒e addr ▒read/write dtb, size is▒optional store key read/write addr read/write key, size is optional store ▒dr_parameter read/wriCommand: bcb uboot-command Start read misc partit▒on datas! Cannot fi▒d dev. ▒mlmm▒ cmd failed store - STORE sub-sys▒em▒ Usage: store ini▒ flag sto▒e read ▒ame add▒z▒▒▒▒a▒tition size re▒:▒▒镝 bytes starting at offset '▒ff' to/fro▒ memory address 'a▒dr', skippin▒ bad blocks. store wri▒e ▒ame addr off|partition size write 'size' byt▒s ▒tarting at offset 'off'▒ ▒ to▒fr▒m memory address 'ad▒r'▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒bad blo▒ks▒ store▒rom_▒rite add o▒▒▒镹 ▒rite uboot to the bo▒t device store▒er▒se boot/data: erase th▒ area▒+k▒▒is u▒oo▒ or data sto▒e erase partition : er▒se the area which partition in u-boot ▒▒K▒▒erase dtb store era▒e key ▒store rom▒ɽѕ▒сon/o▒f store scrub off|pa▒ti▒ion size scrub the area from offse▒ and size store dt▒ iread/read/write addr ▒read/write dtb, size is▒op▒ional ▒s▒ore ddr_parameter read/write addr ▒ k▒^ ▒▒镁is opti▒nal read/write ddr paramete▒, si▒e ▒s optional ▒ update mbr/p▒rtition ta▒le by dtb stor▒ bootlo▒ ▒ ▒show boot logs ▒▒▒u▒▒▒s▒ore_read_ops,L101:cmd failed, ret=1, [store read ▒is▒ 0x73e6e080 0x0 0x440] failed ▒o store▒read misc. bcb - ▒cb ▒ Usage: bcb This comman▒ will run some commands which saved in ▒is▒ ▒artition ▒y mark ▒o decide whether execute command! Comm▒nd format: bcb bcb_mark Example: /dev▒block/misc pa▒W▒▒▒▒is saved ▒ome contents: uboot-command N/A ▒So y▒u can▒execute▒command: bcb ub▒˵commandn▒; s_version:▒U-▒o▒▒▒▒▒r▒▒j:▒▒▒▒▒▒952b-dirty [KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_parse]L307:not a fdt at 0x00▒0000001000000 ▒it Enter or ▒pace or Ctrl+C key to stop autoboo▒ -▒ : 0 CONFIG_SYSTEM_AS_ROOT: systemroot ▒^.WV▒ս▒▒▒ 1 Start read mis▒ partition datas!▒ ▒amlmmc cmd fa▒led Cannot find dev. store -▒ST▒RE sub-system Usa▒e:▒ store init fla▒ store▒read na▒e addr off|p▒rtition size read 'si▒e' byte▒ starti▒g at offset ▒˙▒ ▒o/from memﮁaddress 'addr', s▒ipping bad b▒oc▒s. sto▒e write▒name ad▒r off|partition size write 'size' bytes▒starting at offset▒'off▒ ▒store rom_write▒add off▒size.dr', skipping ba▒ blocks. ▒store e▒ase boot/data: de▒ice ▒rase the are▒ which is ▒boot▒or data▒ ▒tore erase partition : ▒store e▒ase dtb ▒rea whi▒h ▒arti▒io▒ in u-boo▒ store▒Y▒͕▒key store disprotect key stor▒ rom_▒rote▒t on/of▒ store s󮗁▒▒▒ѥѥ▒▒▒size scrub the area from▒offset and▒size stor▒ dtb iread/re▒d/▒rite addr read/write key▒▒▒镁is opti▒nal ▒ store ▒dr_p▒rame▒er read/write addr read/w▒ite ddr▒para▒eter, size▒is optional s▒ore ▒,.▒▒▒▒5 update mb▒/partition table by ▒tb▒ sto▒e bootl▒g show boot▒lo▒s [burnup]Er▒.▒K▒}ɕ▒▒}▒▒ͱL101:cmd failed▒ ret=1, [store read mi▒c 0x73e▒Yʂ▒▒▒ 0x820] failed to store read misc▒ info->magic = info-▒version_major = 0 info->version_minor ▒ 0 info->slots▒0].priority = 0 info->slots[0].tries_remaini▒g = 0 info->slots[0▒iՍ▒▒▒͙ձ}▒▒▒с= 0▒ info->slo▒s[1].priority = 0 info->slots[▒].tries▒remaining = 0 info->slots[1].s▒ccessful_boot = 0 i▒fo->crc▒2 ▒ 0 Magic is incorrect. boot-info is invalid.▒Resetting. ▒ave boot-info in▒o-▒[XVk▒= in▒o->vers▒on▒[X▒K▒= 1 info->version_min▒.▒▒j info->slots▒0].prio▒ity = 15 info->slot▒[0].tries_remaining = 7 info->▒lots[0]▒success▒ul_boot = 0 ▒info->slots[1].▒ries_remaining = 7 ▒C▒nn▒t ▒ind ▒ev.075449479ot = 0 amlmm▒Ց▒ read/write dtb, size is optional store key re▒d/▒rite addr▒ r▒ad/write key, size▒i▒ optional store ddr_parameter▒read/write addr failed store - STORE sub-system Usage: store init flag store read name addr off|partition size read 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off' to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks. store write name addr off|partition size write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off' to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks. store rom_write add off size. write uboot to the boot device store erase boot/data: erase the area which is uboot or data store erase partition : erase the area which partition in u-boot store erase dtb store erase key store disprotect key store rom_protect on/off store scrub off|partition size scrub the area from offset and size store dtb iread/read/write addr read/write dtb, size is optional store key read/write addr read/write key, size is optional store ddr_parameter read/write addr read/write ddr parameter, size is optional store mbr addr update mbr/partition table by dtb store bootlog show boot logs [burnup]Err:store_read_ops,L101:cmd failed, ret=1, [store read misc 0x73e6db90 0x0 0x820] failed to store read misc. info->magic = info->version_major = 0 info->version_minor = 0 info->slots[0].priority = 0 info->slots[0].tries_remaining = 0 info->slots[0].successful_boot = 0 info->slots[1].priority = 0 info->slots[1].tries_remaining = 0 info->slots[1].successful_boot = 0 info->crc32 = 0 Magic is incorrect. boot-info is invalid. Resetting. save boot-info info->magic = info->version_major = 1 info->version_minor = 0 info->slots[0].priority = 15 info->slots[0].tries_remaining = 7 info->slots[0].successful_boot = 0 info->slots[1].priority = 14 info->slots[1].tries_remaining = 7 info->slots[1].successful_boot = 0 info->crc32 = -1075449479 Cannot find dev. amlmmc cmd failed store - STORE sub-system Usage: store init flag store read name addr off|partition size read 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off' to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks. store write name addr off|partition size write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off' to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks. store rom_write add off size. write uboot to the boot device store erase boot/data: erase the area which is uboot or data store erase partition : erase the area which partition in u-boot store erase dtb store erase key store disprotect key store rom_protect on/off store scrub off|partition size scrub the area from offset and size store dtb iread/read/write addr read/write dtb, size is optional store key read/write addr read/write key, size is optional store ddr_parameter read/write addr read/write ddr parameter, size is optional store mbr addr update mbr/partition table by dtb store bootlog show boot logs [burnup]Err:store_write_ops,L165:cmd [store write misc 0x73e6db90 0x0 0x820] failed active slot = 0 active_slot: normal Cannot find dev. amlmmc cmd failed store - STORE sub-system Usage: store init flag store read name addr off|partition size read 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off' to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks. store write name addr off|partition size write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off' to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks. store rom_write add off size. write uboot to the boot device store erase boot/data: erase the area which is uboot or data store erase partition : erase the area which partition in u-boot store erase dtb store erase key store disprotect key store rom_protect on/off store scrub off|partition size scrub the area from offset and size store dtb iread/read/write addr read/write dtb, size is optional store key read/write addr read/write key, size is optional store ddr_parameter read/write addr read/write ddr parameter, size is optional store mbr addr update mbr/partition table by dtb store bootlog show boot logs [burnup]Err:store_read_ops,L101:cmd failed, ret=1, [store read recovery 0x1080000 0x0 0x100000] Err imgread(L338):Fail to read 0x100000B from part[recovery] at offset 0 gxl_p230_v1#▒▒▒▒▒▒▒B▒B▒▒▒